
historical category meaning in Chinese



  1. The capacity of population is a historical category
  2. " people - oriented " is a historical category
  3. Personality is a historical category , and different ages contain different personality viewpoints
  4. At the same tune , it also was a historical category . there is different content for people in different era
    同时它又是一个历史范二、丐自自回曰下二p j ? ?二二叫卜士畴。
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Related Words

  1. historical culture
  2. historical work
  3. historical ontology
  4. historical remarks
  5. historical relics
  6. historical interest
  7. historical models
  8. historical catch
  9. historical ethnomusicology
  10. historical bibliography
  11. historical capitals of china
  12. historical catch
  13. historical chinese anthems
  14. historical chinese phonology
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